Sunday, October 27, 2019

How to use Kleenex in China

Summary: When my friends and I went to China to teach STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, and math) for a week, we spent 13 days there, including the three cities of Beijing, Dingzhou, and Wei Hai. We got to walk on the Great Wall of China and pick our own figs. It will always be a memorable trip and we are still in touch with many of our teacher and student friends from there on We Chat. There are a few fun things we learned on our trip.

  • When you go out to eat, you will have a package of Kleenex at your table. That is your napkin. 
  • When you go the bathroom, you will need to carry Kleenex with you because you don't know if the bathroom will have toilet paper. If they do have TP, their toilet paper is very thin and the rolls are small because you are expected to maximize your TP squares (no more than 2). So keep Kleenex with you at all times to ensure maximum coverage and use.
  • Lastly, Kleenex is great for spills. You will not find paper towels, you will always have Kleenex to use. 
  • I have never looked at facial tissue the same and no longer feel weird using Kleenex for other purposes besides blowing my nose.

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