Saturday, June 20, 2015

Homework Do's and Don'ts-How to Help Your Student With Homework

I know as a parent it can be difficult to watch your child struggle or get frustrated with homework when you can just give them the answer, but you can't be there in the classroom giving them the answer, so we don't want to develop bad habits or make our child feel incapable of overcoming hurdles in their learning. I like the clear and simple instructions from Stowell Learning Center on helping with homework:

As the amount of testing for our school kids increases, it's tough to figure out how much and what to help with when it comes to homework.

Academic competition, assignment overload, and homework struggles can tempt us to just do their work for them.  But this is one of the biggest mistakes we can make when it comes to our child's education and learning.

One benefit to homework is to keep you engaged with what your child is doing.  And knowing what your child's teacher expects from homework is important.

By doing your student's homework for them, they lose the practice they might need to master a skill, and the opportunity to develop an independent learning style is overlooked.

Rather than do their work for them, look at how you can guide and help them to complete it on their own.

Here are some Do's and Don'ts when it comes to helping your child get their homework

Homework Tip

Homework Problem:
Too much homework help

Actually doing homework on their own allows kids to be alone and be self-motivated - things that aren't specifically learned in school.  This doesn't mean that you should force your child to work alone.  I just mean that you should be available to help when they ask.

While we want to rescue our struggling student, if we do, we risk our child not learning responsibility, time management or natural consequences.

Homework Solution:
Do's and Don'ts
Here are some ways you can truly help your child get the most out of their homework without doing it for them.

Answer your child's homework questions for them.
DO:  Guide them to places they can find the answer themselves.

DON'T:  Think your child can multi-task with phones/TV, etc., while doing homework...they can't!
DO:  Allow them to take brief movement and water breaks to help keep them focused.

DON'T:  Tell your student WHAT to do and HOW to do it.
DO:  Help your child list their tasks (what) and brainstorm ways (how) to accomplish them.

DON'T:  Offer bribes to your child for doing their homework.  That's their 'job.'
DO:  Work with them to pick an activity to do together for the quality and effort they put into the work.

DON'T: Bully, nag or pester your student about getting their homework done.  These are not motivators.
DO:  Acknowledge their effort and applaud their successes - no matter how small.

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